Be a Part of Our 2024-2025 AmeriCorps Service Term!   

AmeriCorps members holding tools and hard hats in front of a Habitat for Humanity house  AmeriCorps Members wearing AmeriCorps shirts holding grocery bags of food in front of a Lowcountry Food Bank truck  AmeriCorps members posing for photo inside a room they were helping to clean out

Trident United Way Financial Stability Project is now accepting applications for the 2023-2024 Service Term!

Want to learn more about AmeriCorps? Check out this quick video!


Why join Trident United Way AmeriCorps?

AmeriCorps Members Frequently Asked Questions

AmeriCorps is an opportunity for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to give their time and talent to strengthen communities. Members commit their time to address critical community needs like increasing academic achievement, mentoring youth, fighting poverty, sustaining national parks, preparing for disasters and more. AmeriCorps Members in our program are matched with a host partner agency to serve in a variety of roles over a one-year full-time term. 

  • Make an impact in the community while gaining valuable professional experience, training and education benefits. 

  • Gain marketable skills for your resume like case management or tax preparation.

  • Earn valuable education benefits while earning a modest living allowance. 

  • Receive monthly professional development training by staff and guest speakers. 

Our application opens in the spring each year and stays open until all positions are filled or for a month after orientation, whichever occurs first. 

  1. Submit resume and cover letter on
  2. Create a profile and application on
  1. Initial Interview: Selected applicants will meet with program staff. At this time, you will present the activity you were assigned, and we will provide a general overview of AmeriCorps and assess if you are the right fit for our program and team. 

  2. Site Specific Interview(s): If selected to continue, you will be matched with sites that fit your interest and skills. A site partner will interview you and discuss the specifics of the role at that location. 

  3. Site Match: Applicant and site will let program staff know if they feel the site match is a good fit. When all parties agree, successful applicants will be sent an acceptance letter with information about next steps. 

  4. Enrollment: Applicant submits paperwork to staff and completes background check process. 

  5. Begin Service: New Team members attend orientation. 

  6. Get Things Done! Start at your host site and give a year of service to the community!

Team members serve directly at a partner site for an 11-month term helping families from go from crises to financial stability. Members serve at local nonprofits and work with families across the financial stability spectrum of need. Your daily duties could vary depending on your host site, but all members assist client with crisis mitigation, connect clients to community resources, and help individuals and families apply for benefits through Thrive Hub. Members also provide basic financial literacy skills and provide tax preparation assistance. 

The Financial Stability Project terms run from mid-August through the end of July each year. Member hours vary depending on the slot type they select. Our program offers three different slot types: 

  • Reduced Full Time: This member must complete 1200 hours by the end of the service term. The weekly time commit is 30-35 hours. 
  • Half Time: This member must complete 900 hours by the end of the service term. The weekly time commit is 20-25 hours. 
  • Minimum Time: This member must complete 300 hours by the end of the service term. This position starts in January and runs through the end of May. The weekly time commitment is 25 hours per week. 

Schedules depend on the host site but is typically Monday-Friday. Some evenings and Saturday service are required especially during tax season. Hours can vary based on the needs of the organization. 

This is a one-year, grant-funded position through the SC Commission for National and Community Service’s AmeriCorps program. Those selected are AmeriCorps members and are not employees of Trident United Way (TUW) or the sites in which they will be working but will be managed by a TUW AmeriCorps Program Manager. The living allowance is a stipend disbursed two times per month to assist in meeting needs while serving.