Changemaker Grants

Changemaker Grants

Trident United Way Changemaker Grants mobilize resources and empower nonprofits dedicated to making a positive impact in the Tri-County community. Grants are awarded in quarterly cycles, each with a cycle-specific focus on investing in the areas of greatest impact while aligning with TUW priorities. Each quarterly cycle will award a minimum of $100,000 in total grants.

2023-2024 Quarterly Grants

Q1: Capacity Building Click here to learn more and view grant recipients

Q2: ALICE® - Barriers to Financial Security Click here to learn more and view grant recipients

Q3: ALICE® - Persons of Color Led or Serving Click here to learn more and view grant recipients

Q4: Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention in 29405 and 29406

Q4: Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention in 29405 and 29406

The fourth round of Changemaker Grants is using Data for Impact to focus on Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention in 29405 and 29406 zip codes. Current data shows these zip codes in North Charleston are areas with the greatest needs in the Tri-County, and in recent years North Charleston has led the nation in eviction rate. This grant pool of funding will focus on making a positive impact in the Tri-County community by supporting up to 2 local nonprofits with a minimum of $50,000 each.

Grants will allow organizations to keep individuals and families stably housed. Specific goals include:

  • Expand the access of legal services to tenants at risk of, or subject to, eviction. Most tenants do not have access to legal assistance or understand their renter’s rights which may help them reach more mutually beneficial resolutions with landlords or defend against illegal evictions.
  • Provide short-term financial assistance that allows a household to maintain their housing during a difficult period and re-gain financial stability moving forward.
    • Assistance could include back rent or mortgage owed, utility assistance, as well as court fees and late payment fees, where applicable. (up to $5,000 per household)
    • Must have the ability to maintain their housing costs for a minimum of 6 months once assisted.
  • Provide case management and financial counseling to sustain a stable, permanent home and would include follow up for a year.

Services Provided with these funds:

  • Households must live in 29405 or 29406 Zip Code
  • Households must be facing immediate eviction and foreclosure risk
  • Court fees, late fees, etc.
  • Short-Term Financial Assistance: emergency rental or mortgage assistance, security deposit, utility payment, etc. necessary to prevent eviction and foreclosure to those experiencing circumstantial hardships that are making it difficult to pay their bills, but who have the ability to become financially stable with this support for at least 6 months

Eviction and Foreclosure Prevention in 29405 and 29406 Grant Recipients

Charleston Area Urban League:  $50,000
The Charleston Area Urban League promotes diversity and inclusion and provides multifaceted programs that assist African Americans and other underserved groups to achieve economic and social parity and equal treatment under the law. For over 32 years the agency has been providing an array of programs and services to residents in the Tri-County region that include Fair Housing, Housing Counseling, First Time Homebuyer Education, Financial Literacy, Asset Building, Family Stability and Employment.
Origin SC:  $50,000
Origin SC empowers individuals to achieve financial, housing and mental health stability through advocacy, counseling and education. For over 135 years, Origin (formerly Family Services, Inc.) has provided services to help individuals and families gain and sustain financial and housing stability.

Read the press release

  • Have the capacity to physically provide services to the clients in the 29405 & 29406 zip codes
  • Organization is currently providing one or more of the services covered by the grant funds and has been for at least one year
    Organization is currently providing follow up, with case Management/Client Navigation as part of services and has the capacity to continue to follow up for one year
    Agree to report by using CharityTracker for services, case management and follow up
    Track households receiving these services for minimum a year for final report
  • Organization must be able to provide 990 or 990EZ
    • Other standard documentation required (501c3, Sec. of State Registration, BOD, Non-Discrimination Policy, etc.)
  • Organization has been established for at least a year
  • Not classified as a private foundation and does not engage in political activities as defined by the IRS
  • At least 60% of the agency service population at the ALICE Threshold or Below
  • Agencies provide services to clients and/or beneficiaries without regard to race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, veteran and/or disability service, based on client population 
  • Board of Directors structure with at least three non-compensated members who are also not related by blood or marriage
  • Align with TUW’s priority areas of Education, Financial Stability, Health and Basic Needs
  • Does not require religious worship, instruction or proselytization to receive services

Services Provided with these funds:

  • Households must live in 29405 or 29406 Zip Code
  • Households must be facing immediate eviction and foreclosure risk
  • Legal services related to Eviction filing
  • Arbitration with landlords prior to filing for eviction
  • Court fees, late fees, etc.
  • Short-Term Financial Assistance: emergency rental or mortgage assistance, security deposit, utility payment, etc. necessary to prevent eviction and foreclosure to those experiencing circumstantial hardships that are making it difficult to pay their bills, but who have the ability to become financially stable with this support for at least 6 months
  • Eligibility Checklist and documentation validation by TUW staff
  • The Changemaker Grant Review Council, consisting of trained community volunteers, has experience and understanding of Trident United Way mission, investment strategy and grant process, will review the applications, score, rank and discuss the applications recommendations on funding allocations
  • A rubric will be used for scoring applications based on 
    • Completeness & Clarity of application
    • Alignment with TUW’s focus areas of Education, Financial Stability, Health and Basic Needs
    • Feasibility of the described activity or project
    • Impact of the described activity or project on the organization
    • A final decision making meeting will be held with all review council members providing feedback and input on funding awards

Volunteer to serve on the Changemaker Grants Review Council

Trident United Way is seeking individuals who are interested in serving on the Changemaker Grants Review Council. The main function of this review council is to help review applications and recommend funding for the grants, and to ensure the funding provided helps achieve the greatest impact/need. TUW is honored to enlist, engage and train community volunteers to review grant applications and inform funding recommendations on behalf of the community we all call home.

Please contact Katherine with any questions at

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