An older woman sits in a chair, younger woman sits on arm and child sits in her lap. They are all looking at an ipad and smiling

Legacy gifts support Trident United Way's endowment. When you include a legacy gift as part of your overall estate and financial plans to support Trident United Way, you are improving lives and creating lasting change in your community. Gifts may be outright, deferred or utilize a combination of gift vehicles to fulfill a donor's philanthropic goals. 

Your generosity will leave a legacy of support for programs and initiatives that will advance the common good for years to come.

Become a member of the Legacy Society with a Planned Gift to Trident United Way

  • Fund today's programs tomorrow and make new and expanded services possible
  • Address emerging needs to help meet and build solutions for our community's future challenges
  • Meet the greatest needs by ensuring resources to address our community's most pressing problems

You choose how you would like to give.

Meet our Donors

The Legacy Society recognizes all those supporting Trident United Way’s future with a planned gift commitment. This provides us with the opportunity to understand your intentions and thank you for your commitment. Your membership in the Legacy Society will also help us encourage others to make similar commitments.

Tocqueville Society Legacy Circle

Erica Campanella Estate
Prudence and William Finn
Mr. * and Mrs.* Hugh C. Lane Endowment
Joy Y. Presnick Estate
Jerry * (obm) and Anita Zucker

Trident United Way Legacy Society

Henry III and Cheryl Blackford
Mrs. Carmiel Chamier
Belk Daughtridge
Louise K. Edgerly*
Mrs. Mary C. Everts*
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fulghum Jr.
Frank and Loraine Hanckel
Tom and Bonnie Hood
Christopher and Beth A. Kerrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Lane Jr.
Ted and Tricia Legasey
Ted and Jackie Mappus
Sis and Hal Marshall

* Deceased


Daniel L. McKnight Jr.*
David and Bethany Nicole
Elizabeth E. Pennewill
Gretchen and Thompson Penney
Ned Philbeck
Ross B. Pollack M.D.
Bill and Joanna Scarborough
Kathleen B. Slaten*
Ken and Teresa Smith
Dave and Linda Soutter
Hannah and John Stewart
Col. William W. Thomas
John and Libby Winthrop

It is easier than you may realize to give a legacy gift to Trident United Way. Our team can help you and your financial advisors determine the best way for you to give.

For more information, contact Danielle Trauth-Jurman, Director of Planned Giving and Endowment, at (412) 613-9131 or