Name Email Prefered Phone Number Phone type - Select -Home Work Cell Address Address type - Select -Home Work Birthdate Employer Title Length of Employment My supervisor is aware of the time commitment needed for Lead United? (Six 2-hour sessions will be held in-person plus reading time on your own ahead of each session) - Select -YesNo Supervisor's Name Supervisor's Title Supervisor's Mailing Address Can you meet the attendance requirements for participating (5 of 6 sessions) in Lead United granted no emergencies occur? - Select -Yes No Have you served on any nonprofit board or committee before? If yes, please explain. Do you currently volunteer with any nonprofit? If yes, please explain. Why are you interested in participating in Lead United? Preferred form of payment - Credit Card, Check, Cash (Once your application has been accepted a TUW staff person will assist you to complete your payment.) - Select -Credit Card Check Cash Checkbox to opt into receiving text messages about Lead United - session reminders, links to login, etc. - None -Yes T-shirt size - Select -Small Medium Large X-Large XX-Large