Day of Action

Join Trident United Way for 2024 Day of Action!

Day of Action is a global movement in partnership with United Way Worldwide that takes place on or around June 21st each year. Trident United Way coordinates service opportunities to benefit and support older adults (65+) in our Tri-County community. 

For any questions about Day of Action please email Katherine at

Special Thanks to our 2023-2024 Alliance Program Sponsors


Adams Outdoor Advertising | Anita Zucker and The InterTech Group, Inc.| Chernoff Newman | Johnson & Johnson | Life Cycle Engineering Inc.| MUSC Health | Nucor | Publix Super Markets, Inc.| The Post and Courier 


FORVIS | Santee Cooper


Humana Healthy Horizons in South Carolina | Roper St. Francis Healthcare


20 volunteers participated in the 2023 Trident United Way Day of Action to support 3 local nonprofit organizations serving older adults in the Tri-County community! Volunteers provided over 75 hours of service in addition to donations and letters to Charleston Area Senior Citizens - Meals on Wheels, Dorchester Seniors, Inc.- Summerville/St. George and The ARK - Alzheimer's Family Support Services. Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers for giving your time to our community!

Six volunteers pose for a photo outside holding landscaping tools

Trident United Way hosted its third annual Day of Action on June 21, 2021! Volunteers participated in various projects through out the Tri-County area, including mini herb pot planting and delivery, Meals on Wheels food prep and delivery, painting, landscaping and hosted a cookout. THANK YOU to the 45 volunteers who gave their time to these projects! Volunteers dedicated 255 hours, completing six projects that impacted 259 older adults!

For more information, contact our volunteer staff at

Our volunteers made it happen on Trident United Way’s Day of Action 2020! This was TUW’s second year participating in the United Way Worldwide Day of Action event. The activities of the day were all about helping home bound older adults (65+) with low-income and limited mobility stay independent in their homes and connected to their communities. THANK YOU to the 65 volunteers who tended to some neglected yards, assembled care kits, wrote notes and letters, drew sidewalk chalk art and made posters. In total, our volunteers dedicated 90 hours completing 9 projects that impacted 590 seniors!!

Trident United Way's participation is part of a larger initiative from United Way Worldwide. View the full 2020 United Way Worldwide Day of Action Report here.