We are all on a mission to improve our community. Trident United Way is proud to offer resources and tools that can help you along the way. 


211 logo

SC 211 serves as a safety net for all individuals needing help finding assistance, by improving the effectiveness and coordination of health and human services across the state. The 211 program provides referrals to health and human service resources available in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester Counties. 211 is FREE to the community and for agencies to add their information. 

Help community members find your organization by providing 211 with information about your service offerings. Those who contact 211 looking for services like yours will not only be told about your organization, but understand program eligibility requirements, how/when/where to access your programs and what documents to bring with them, as applicable.

For more information on 211 or to schedule a training for your agency or organization email Katie Reams at KReams.211@tuw.org.

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AmeriCorps Logo

The work of the AmeriCorps Family Navigators is to meet basic needs and assist in creating Financial Stability. A Trident United Way AmeriCorps member can serve at your organization to build capacity to serve clients with basic needs assistance and financial education.

2021-2022 Facts & Figures

  • 11 AmeriCorps members
  • Provided basic needs/crisis mitigation services to 3,416 households with 6,174 family members

For more information on hosting an AmeriCorps member at your agency site email Khalilah Sumners at ksumners@tuw.org.

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Charity Tracker Logo

CharityTrackerTM is a web application that Trident United Way provides free of charge to the Tri-County region for confidential shared case management. This tool provides statistical data reporting to inform resource deployment, strategic planning and measurable outcomes. Trident United Way partners, community agencies and faith-based organizations track and share confidential client service information, in addition to a bulletin feature which allows partners to post services, such as classes and events, and alerts allow partners to post urgent needs. Trident United Way has been providing this tool to the community since 2009. Currently over 350 organizations in the Tri-County area are connected to CharityTrackerTM.

To request information on CharityTrackerTM  email Cathy Easley at ceasley@tuw.org.

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Trident United Way serves as the leader for the local Emergency Food and Shelter Program board in the Tri-County Region and is responsible for awarding the grant funds to local social service organizations, both nonprofit and governmental, that can best address the identified needs of the community. Emergency Food and Shelter Programs assist nonprofits that are helping residents who are experiencing hunger and homelessness.

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Trident United Way has a long standing history of rallying the community in times of natural disaster or other major impacts. That is why we have dedicated ourselves to providing the information that your agency needs to assist those around you. We are working with partners as well as additional 501(c)(3) community and faith-based partners participating in the SafetyNet Assistance Network to determine how best to address needs at the community level. Trident United Way shares more timely information about emerging community needs on our website. 

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Trident United Way is committed to investing in programs that align with priorities in our focus areas of education, financial stability and health. By focusing on the critical building blocks of a good life, Trident United Way and our partners collaborate to work collaboratively around common results, outcomes and initiatives to strengthen the community.

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Resource Connection Centers are service hubs where low to moderate income individuals and families have access to programs and resources such as educational resources, basic needs and resources to become self-sufficient. The Resource Connection Centers take an integrated approach to service delivery, which includes bundling and sequencing of services, leading to long lasting financial change for clients and their families. The Centers operate using a continuum framework that begins with addressing basic needs and moves individuals along a continuum to achieve the goal of gaining and sustaining assets.

The power of partnership is vital for clients in critical need to mitigate crisis and get on the path to financial stability. More than a dozen nonprofit agencies are located within the Resource Connection Centers working alongside Trident United Way staff members. 

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The SafetyNet Assistance Network (SNAN) is a growing network made up of all community sectors (Nonprofit, Education, Faith-Based, Government, Healthcare, Media and Business) collaborating in response to basic needs and financial stability in our community with a vision of creating a fundamental, lasting change in the clients we serve in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester Counties. SNAN is hosted by Trident United Way in made up of more than 150 organizations. 

Interested in learning more? Contact Cathy Easley at ceasley@tuw.org or (843) 740-7733

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Trident United Way promotes a culture of volunteerism by engaging its corporate partners and individual volunteers through valuable community service opportunities. Volunteers are able to provide additional skills and capacity to local agencies and organizations, and often leads to longterm connections and partnerships.

If you are interested in working with Trident United Way to be connected to corporate or individual volunteers, please email volunteer@tuw.org.