To help you prepare for the IRS certification tests, there are a variety of trainings and resources to choose from.

All training is free to all VITA volunteers.

Please use whatever combination of trainings and resources that work best for you. Printed copies of Form 6744: Volunteer Assistor’s Test/Retest and IRS Publication 4012: Volunteer Resource Guide are available for pick-up at the Trident United Way Main Offices. Please call in advance before picking up materials.

All other IRS publications are only available electronically.

All volunteers will need to create an account on Link and Learn, the IRS certification test site. Refer to Quick Guide to Link and Learn for information on how to set up your account.  Print our VITA Password Tracker to keep track of all your logins.

If you’re planning to certify as a tax preparer, you’ll also need to create an account on TaxSlayer Practice Lab. Practice Lab is a tax software simulation software that you will use to prepare tax returns to answer questions on the Basic and Advanced tests. Refer to Practice Lab Guide to find out how to access Practice Lab and create your account. Don’t forget to record your username and password on the VITA Password Tracker form.

When you’re ready to take the certification tests in Link and Learn, here are some tips:

  • We recommend that you go through the VITA/TCE Volunteer Assistor’s Test/Retest (Publication 6744) on paper first before attempting to answer the questions online.
  • Answering the Retest questions may also provide clues to the answers on the Test.
  • If you intend to take the Advanced exam, you do not need to complete the Basic exam first.

IRS Certification Site

All Greeters must take the Volunteer Standards of Conduct exam.

All Intake Specialists and Tax Preparers must now take both the Volunteer Standards of Conduct and the Intake/Interview and Quality Review exam.

If you intend to take the Advanced exam, you do not need to complete the Basic exam first. Visit this website to access certification tests, tools and fact sheets.

In-person training will be held at the Trident United Way Main Offices in the Board Room.

6296 Rivers Avenue, Suite 200, North Charleston, SC 29406

  • Wednesday, January 15, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
  • Thursday, January 16, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Need extra support or have questions as you prepare for tax season? Join us for a VITA Study Hall session!

These informal, drop-in sessions are designed to help volunteers gain confidence and clarity. Whether you have specific questions, want to practice completing certain types of tax returns, or simply need guidance, these sessions are here to support you.

Click here to sign up for a Study Hall session

  • 1/23 5:00 pm-7:00 pm Virtual
  • 1/29 3:00 pm-5:00 pm In-Person

There are IRS publications and websites to help you prepare for the IRS certification tests. Please pick and choose resources that may be helpful to you.

Volunteer Standards of Conduct Test

Refer to IRS Publication 4961: Volunteer Standards of Conduct (VSOC) – Ethics Training to help you prepare for the Volunteer Standards of Conduct Test.

Intake/Interview & Quality Review Test

Refer to IRS Publication 5101: Intake/Interview and Quality Review Training to help you prepare for the Intake/Interview and Quality Review Test.

Basic and Advanced Tests

You do not have to take Basic first in order to take the Advanced Test. We strongly encourage all volunteer tax preparers to certify Advanced. Approximately 25% of the tax returns require a tax preparer with Advance certification.

IRS Publications


  • Link & Learn e-Learning
    Link & Learn Taxes is an IRS web-based program that provides 6 certification courses. This is an interactive program that teaches you how to accurately prepare tax returns. You move at your own pace.
  • Prosperity Now VITA-Train
    VITA-Train is a modular training program designed by the Taxpayer Opportunity Network. You can choose to go through all the modules or pick and choose which ones to focus on
    Website created by United Way of Lee, Hendry Glades, and Okeechobee in Florida with lots of helpful information and links.

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