The Trident United Way Tocqueville Society is part of a worldwide network of extraordinary community leaders and philanthropists who invest $10,000 or more annually. Our local members demonstrate a deep commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of children, young people and families in the Tri-County area.

Ordre de Fraternité - $75,000 - $99,999

Anita Zucker
D. Michael and Pam Wilson
Mike and Beverly Smith

Ordre d’Egalité - $50,000 - $74,999

Scott and Valerie Howell
Mark and Becky Joye
Jean and James Rion Endowment

Ordre de Liberté - $25,000 - $49,999

Bob and Merrill Fei
Prudence and William Finn
John and Dee Fortson
Joey and Amy Foxhall
Mr. Bill Hewitt and Mrs. Karyn Lee
Francis Johnson
Jim and Bettie Keyes
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Lane, Jr.
Jackie Lane and Bob Davison
Michael L. Merriman and Linda P. Merriman
Dr. Celeste and Mr. Charles Patrick, Jr.
Blair and Carol Stewart
Steve and Emily Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Tausig
1 donor wishes to remain anonymous

Membres de la Société - $10,000 - $24,999

Mrs. Kay Bachmann
Nella G. Barkley
John and Mary Lou Barter
Jennifer and Rob Black
Bob and Christina Brinkman
Peter and Catherine Burrous
Larry and Beth Burtschy
The Honorable Paul and Vicki Campbell
Van and Susan Campbell
Lonnie and Laurie Carter
Kay and Charlie Chitty
Ellen M. Costello and Michael D. Judge
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. John C.L. Darby
David and Pamela Dunlap
Nancy and Ralph Edwards
Brian and Emily Giarrocco
Jack and Julia Goettee
Richard Gregory and Courtenay McDowell
Richard and Ann Gridley
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Grow
Fleetwood and Elizabeth Hassell
Bruce and Diane Hoffman
Shayna and Travis Howell
Mr. Timothy W. Hughes and Mrs. Gail C. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Johnson, II
Vicki and Greg Johnson
Wendy W. Kopp and Scott A. Kopp
Ted and Tricia Legasey
Chip and Coleman Legerton

Membres de la Société - $10,000 - $24,999 (cont.)

Christian and Jonathan MacIver
Jason E. McMichael
Joanne and Morgan Morton
Jim and Linda Murray
Jim and Kathy Newsome
Ms. Christine M. Owens and Mr. Vincent DiGangi
Debbie Austin and Randall Phillips
C. Andrew Rankin
John M. Rivers Jr. Foundation, Inc.
John and Catherine Rosso
Greg and Bob Royall
Joseph J. Schott Foundation
Dunne and Rogan Saal, The Joseph J.
Tim and Tina Sease
Barbara and David Singer
Ken and Teresa Smith
Cindi and Kerry Solomon
Nancye B. Starnes and David P. Hughes
Daniel J. and Victoria D. Sullivan
Larry and Judy Tarleton
Chloe Knight Tonney and Rick Tonney
Eric and Paula Walmet
Mrs. Mary Ellen Long Way
Dave and Elizabeth Welborn
Reginal Wells
Richard T. Widman and Linn Lesesne
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy N. Willits
John and Libby Winthrop
Ed and Laura Woodcock
Jonathan and Laura Zucker
4 donors wishes to remain anonymous

The Trident United Way Palmetto Society recognizes donors who give $1,000 - $9,999 annually. Palmetto Society members set a standard of charitable giving in our community and motivate others to contribute at a leadership level to Trident United Way. 

President's Circle - $5,000 - $9,999

Lewis Addison
Brian and Cathy Almquist
Joe and Susan Bagwell
Reid and Jennifer Banks
Jacob A. and Deborah Bouknight
Ben and Sara DeWolf
Doug and Faith Dodge
Gary and Ann Fink
Anne Forrest, Seacoast Supply
BettyCep and Steven Gailbreath
Dan and Shannon Gallagher
Marta Léon Garcia
Brian and Nicole Gehring
Steven Gnegy
Mary Dean Hall
Dr. and Mrs. J. Chris Hawk, III
Mariana and David Hay
Billy-Paul Holbrook
Francis and Jamie Johnson
Stacy and Rana Jordahl
Jim and Mary Lintzenich
Charles and Joan Lipuma
Marianna G. McLean
Susan J. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Morrow
Rhett Ramsay Outten
Gretchen and Thompson Penney
Bill and Sheila Prezzano
Glenn and Sandra Rabon
Jonathan and Cynthia Raub
Catherine Riley
Steven and Barbara Rockefeller
Anne and Doug Sass
Thomas and Rene Sisson
Sonia and Jeffrey Smith
Roy and Tammy Strickland
Elizabeth and Hugh Tappan
George E. Temple, IV
Dr. Mary Thornley
Jay and Cindy Tiedemann
Max and Genevieve Vome
Bud and Jane Watts
Frances C. Welch, Ph.D.
Pamela Williams and Jary Hulst
Bonum and Janet Wilson, Jr.
Mr. Nathaniel D. Woodson
3 donors wish to remain anonymous

Executive's Circle - $2,500 - $4,999

Sonya R. Alexander
Albert and Joy Aquino
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Bebensee
Andrew and Barbara Bickford
Eli L. Blalock
Tamkio and Michael Bligen
Josh Booth
Jim and Elizabeth Bowron
Lance and Shaharra Brooks
Ms. Donna S. Brown
Hilary Brown
Vicky and Mike Budreau
P. Edward Burbage
Caroline E. Byrd
Jane H. Campbell
Brad and Deb Davis
Shawn and Heather Dolan
Joe and Cathy Easley
Lee Eiland
Emily Mungo Frank and Travis Frank
David and Jean Ginn
Richard J. Gowe and Jacqueline A. Gowe
Tami Griswold
Sonia Hanson
Ms. Faith P. Hartley
Mr. Kelvin J. Hawkins
William S. Helmly
Kevin and Stefanie Henry
Robert and Stacy Hollings
Ms. Claudia A. Porter and Mr. Stuart H. Hotchkiss
Jim and Rhonda Hunter
Jane and Larry Iwan
Missy Johnson and Nick Thomas
Danny Kassis
Larry and Amanda Kowal
Ryan and Kelly Krischer
Mark and Deana Lattanzio
Amanda Lawrence
Mark and Karen Lewis
Ken and Amy Lott
Dom and Kathleen Maddalone
Scott and Suzanne Malindzak
Edie B. May
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McCann
Ms. Elisabeth Pendleton McLean
John L. McLean
Rick and Jan Menniti
John and Amy Morgan
Robert H. Morse, III
Joseph W. Nettles
Mrs. Jennifer L. O'Dell
Catherine Parmley
Heather and Stephen Pelcher
Vincent and Jeanette Perna
Mr. Eric Pfuntner
James Poston
Robert and Cassandra Price
Craig and Barbara Reynolds
Mary Beth Richardson
Suzanne and Jack Ritter
Peter Roueche
John and Joanne Russ
Peter Schilling
Ernesto and Valori Smith
Gordy and Samantha Siefring
Herk and Sherry Sims
Melanie and Anthony Stith
Avis Arnette Umstead and Lemuel Umstead
Mr. Richard A. White
Joe and Terry Williams
Roger and Elizabeth Williams
6 donors wish to remain anonymous

Director's Circle - $1,000 - $2,499

Belk and Ann Bacot Daughtridge
Burrow and Helen Hill
Ms. Tiffany Grundy
Mr. Caleb Seth Shomo and Mrs. Marie L. Shomo
Mrs. Sarah L. Slaughter and Mr. John Slaughter
Mr. Keith A. Smith and Mrs. Terri T. Smith
William J. Turner, III and Andrea D. Turner
Eric C. Aichele
Nicole A. Aiello
Joseph A. Allen
Sean and Jessica Thomas
Bay Amrhein
Nathan T. Ancona
Renita Jones Anderson
Thomas H. Anderson
Laurie Lynn and Kirby Smith
Rovina and Ernest Andrade
Valerie Arnold
Lucy E. and Jerome C. Ashley, Jr.
John A. Atkinson
Beth and Jimmy Bailey, Jr.
Tom and Janet Bailey
Janna K. Baker
Marty and Deborah Baker
Bill and Ruth Baker
Lane and Patty Baldree
Lindsay Ball
Preston Bankson
Justin and Dr. Monica Barden
Lynn M. Barker
Jody Barnes
Tyler C. Barwick
Karen Baskerville
Ashley Batson
Renee Baxley
Lee Beach
Kendra Beard
Will Beecher
Donald E. Benjamin, Jr.
Ryan and Casie Benton
Jonnie Berenguer
Valerie and Joe Berry
Chelsea Bessler
Jeremy Betsill
Jacob W. Billings
Henry J. and Sheryl A. Blackford
Dr. and Mrs. R. Cary Bocklet
Jim Boodle
P. David Botzis, C.P.A.
Christy and David Boudolf
Tammy Bowles
Susanne Boyd
Robert and Wendy Bradham
Cindy and Joe Brams
William and Elizabeth Bremer
Lance and Wendy Brewer
Donald F. Birdwell
Sean R. Brooks
Mrs. Sonya M. Brookshire
Michael and Anita Brown
Monica Brown
John W. Browning
Jamie and Anne Bruce
Chris and Amy Brumback
William Brunson
Justin R. Buckley
Mignonne Harden Buhrmaster
Greg and Jacqueline Bulanow
Michelle and Paul Bunch
David and Kenna Burt
Bridget Bush
Michael J. Bush
Glenn Bushner
Robb Byrd
Jane F. Byrne
Alys Campaigne
Ric and Deb Campeau
Stacy A. Cannon
Mr. Allen J. Capers, Jr.
Matthew L. Carithers
Dave Carlough
Douglas Carnecki
Braydon Carnelli
Claudio Carrara
Dan Cates
Maria A. Chamorro
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Chaplin, Jr.
Scott (Shigao) Cheng
Alexander and Katherine Chessman
Allison and Mark Childers
Laurie Cihlar
Kevin J. Clark

Director's Circle - $1,000 - $2,499 (cont.)

Kathryn Cline
Mark and Pam Cline
Dr. Kendall Cole
Emory Connelly
Jose L. Contreras-Mora
Aaron T. Cook
Chris and Dianna CookMark and Jane Cook
W. Michael Cool, Jr. and Nicole Cool
Bailey and John Cooper
Mr. James R. Corn
Vanessa L. Cousins
Kevin B. Couto
Valerie and Timothy Covell
George and Beverly Cowart
Mr. Eric Craine
Mr. Donald Cribb
Steve and Allison Cronin
Travis E. Cross
Kelly and Gina Crowley
Juan A. Cuervo
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Cunic
Joseph Current
Hal S. Currey and Margaret P. Schachte
Thomas and Lori Curtis
Earl P. Cutler
Rebecca and Tom Daffron
Ms. Michelle L. Dame
Melissa Daniel
Lisa and Giff Daughtridge
Kurt Davidson
Jeffrey A. Davis
Kim Davis
Patricia Davis
Mr. Charles Dew
Aleisha and Jeremy DeYoung
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dolson
Jill Russell Drake
Bud and Diane Driggers
Mr. Charles B. Duckworth
Jeff and Jennifer Duke
Dr. Bonnie and David L. Dumas
Paula Traktman Duncan
Michael Dupre
Cara and Ryan Earhart
Ms. Akilah Edwards
Alex E. Eisner
Monifa and Clifford Ellington
Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Fary, Jr.
Amanda and Andrew Fedorisin
Amanda and Bradley Fender
David William Fennell, Jr.
Avril Fenwick
Evelyn Ferguson
Gabriel A. Fernandes
Mr. Bryan B. Ferris
Anthony Ferro, III
Travis and Julie Finn
Ryan and Courtenay Fisher
Carol H. Fishman
Ric and Lynette Flagg
Dr. Monica A. Ford
Robert D. Foreman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Frank
René Livingston Free
Brian French
Katherine Fink-Johnson
Jenny E. Frisco
Aimee S. Fulmer
Mrs. Trisa Garcia
William A. Garner
Mr. Ricky D. Gaskins
Tom and Renae Gasser
Dot Gatlin
James and Leslie Gergen
Mike and Jennifer Gibbons
Marc and Dorothy Gibson
Nicholas B. Gibson
Kristina A. Giese
Christopher and Jacklyn Glenn
Ed Glover
John Noble Golding
Mollie Rorrer Gore
Stephanie and Aldatin Graham
Stacy Grant
Traci Grant
Brian and Alyson Gray
Ashley and Scott Greaver
James and Kearney Gregory
Mrs. Louise S. Griffen
Dr. E. David Griffin
Amie Grimes
Debra K. Guerry
Connie Smoak Gugel
Diane and Ed Gulyas
Barry D. and Beverly Gumb
Katlynn Guyre
Carol and Ron Hacker
Diane S. Hader
Kellye and Mark Hafner
Rob Haire
David Hamilton
Bill and Nikole Hamilton
Madison Hancock
Zack Hanson
Ashley N. Harding
Justin R. Harrell
Corbyn R. Harris
Dorothy G. Harrison
Nathan Harrison
Kristen S. Hathaway
Drs. Glen and Susan Haynes
Stephen and Elise Heape
Stephanie Heckart
Kyle E. Heider
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hendricks
Mr. David T. Hicks and Mrs. Marietta Hicks
Gregory A. Hider
Kin Hill
Paul and Becky Hilstad
Sharon E. Hinton
Ms. Corie Hipp 
Leta Alcox Hodges
Mac and Kathleen Hodgson
Joanna Hoiles
Mr. and Mrs. Trent Holland
Brian and Angel Holmes
Laurie and Ted Holscher
Kip Hooker and Valerie Sessions
Glenda Horne
Matthew D. Housand
Bambi and Michael Hoyt
Edin and Kelly Hrvanovic
Jeanne and Tad Hunt
Mr. Ramzi S. Imad
Deon and Adrienne Jackson
Ms. Mechelle Jackson
Caroline Jacobs
Ms. Paula Jacques
Mr. Tyler James
Mr. Richard T. Jansen
Phyllis Jestice
Christopher Jimenez
Blair Johnson
Marvin J. Johnson
Neil Johnson and Sue LeNeveu
Mr. Robert C. Johnson, III
Mr. Stephen M. Johnson, Jr.
Thomas H. Johnson
Mark and Beverly Jolly
Mr. Tyler P. Jones
Paul, Selina, & Sofia Joyner
Mr. Darren L. Juszkiewicz
Edward R. Karabees, II
Wim and Merritt Kellett
David and Debra Kellogg
David G. Kennedy
Edith Kent
Will and Jennifer Kimbler
Grayson and Kaitlyn King
Richard and Dianna Kirkpatrick
Robert T. Koehler
Laine Kramer
David and Rebecca Kranz
Revenell A. Kuris
Mr. Hugh C. Lane, III
Mike and Rena Lankford
Ginny Ledbetter
Hampton and Rebecca Lee
Kevin E. Lee
Parker H. Lee
Virginia Lee
Ms. Donna Lehmer
Mr. Matthew D. Lemon
Chris and Emily Leonard
Mr. Thomas J. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Lilly
Renee Linyard-Gary and Jeremy Gary
Jennifer R. Lisle
Joseph B. Lo Bianco
Mr. Michael Loew
Chet Long
Brookelyn Long
Robert G. Long
Timothy J. Lord
Kelli Lyman
Brian and Suzanne Lynch
Aaron and Amy Maciariello
Bill and Rennie Maddux
Peggy Madigan
Gail M. Maginnis
Mr. Micah J. Mallace
Daniel Manes
Debra Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Manning
Ms. Janice M. Marcelino
Marc and Elizabeth Marchant
Glenn and Michelle Marcus
Edwin E. Martas
Christopher W. Martin
Mrs. Tamara Matthews
Ashley and Grant McAnulty
Mr. Samuel G. McCachern
Talicia and Shawn McCants
Lauren McCarthy
Renee McCauley
Loretha L. McClellan
Robert McCue
John T. McCutchen
Stephanie N. McDowell
Mr. James McGrath
Mark W. McKnight
Ms. Katherine T. McLean
Shea and Christie McMakin
Erin McNeill
Mr. Jim McNicholas
Julie and Bill Medich
Andrew Medley

Director's Circle - $1,000 - $2,499 (cont.)

Jessica E. Medley
Michael Melchers
Barbara L. Melvin
Julie Mendenhall, RN
Ford and Deidre Menefee
Chris and Rachel Meyer
Jenna Bowers
Debbie Miller
Jeff Monts
Dan and Julia Mooney
Baker and Lisa Mordecai
Evelyn Morris
Mr. Joseph Griffin Morrow
Anne B. Moss
Mrs. Alicia Moultrie
Ms. Anne C. Moye
Dr. Martina Mueller
Leslie Mull
Michael and Katy Mullis
Duane and Carrie Mummert
Jennifer A. Murray
Jeanine Murrow
Robert and Angela Mussat
Trena J. Nelson
Melinda P. Nettles
Taylor and Lauren Nilan
Gina S. Noble
Dr. W. Eugene Notz
Kayla and Phillip Obie, II
Thomas P. O'Brien, Jr.
Ernest Ochoa
Mr. Howard Keith Oliver
Marcelo L. Olmo
Robert and Karen O'Neill
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Orcutt
Kelsey E. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Parker
Ms. Michelle Parker
Kathryn M.T. Parnell
Anthony and Melissa Parrish
Rory and Durward Parsley
Jonathan D. Patterson
David and Janet Pearlman
Honorable Laura Perdue
Amy and Joseph Perez
Jim and Sara Perrine
James K. and Karen K. Petros
Mr. Charles Pinckney and
Mrs. Holly J. Pingatore
Raji A. Polite, Jr.
Amanda M. Polk
Linda F. Powell
Pascal Price
Ms. Susan Puckhaber
John and Catherine Quattrone
David Quick
Marea D. Quijano
Mrs. Rosa Marcela Rabens
Omar and Sarah Ramberan
Matthew Redmann
Danielle M. Reeves
George and Allison Rheubottom
James L. Richardson, Jr.
Mr. Clyde P. Ridgeway
Jennifer Ridgill
Mr. and Mrs. Claron A. Robertson
Shauna Wesley-Baxley
Dominae S. Robinson
Katie Robinson
Byron Rodgers
Cheryl Rodgers
David and Jolene Roell
Ms. Elizabeth Roerig
Bret and Shannon Roesner
Wesley Ropp
Ms. Edwina Roseboro-Barnes
Allie White
Ms. Alexandria Russell
Mr. Jay Ryczkowski
Carey and Tonya Salisbury
Darien Salley
Michael Samuel
Mr.and Mrs. Herbert R. Sass, III
Bill and Joanna Scarborough
Mr. Weldon Schenck
Mrs. Danielle B. Scheurer
Mr. Andrew Schiavone
Traci Schilling
Mary and Peter Schnabel
Deborah and David Schneider
David J. Scozzaro
Bill and Gloria Seaborn
Kimberly Segrest
Paul and Sherry Sharry
Stephanie M. Shealy
Christine L. Sheppard
Vickie and Andy Shipp
Connie H. Shiver
Paul and Clair Shorter
Greg and Larky Shuler
Mr. Michael Shulse
Peter L. and Gail B. Sibley
Mr. Henry L. Simmons, Sr.
Dr. Arnold R. Singleton
Myoshi A. Singleton
James Brad Sirmons
Amanda Sito
Mr. and Mrs. J. Reeves Skeen
Walter L. Smalls
Donald and Pamela Smith
Mr. Jerry Smith
Rebecca and Roy Smith
George and Therese Smythe
Starr and Philip Snead
Betty Jo Sneed
Sherrie C. Snipes-Williams
John F. Sorrells
Luis Sosa
Scott D. Souders
Madison Spray
Niko J. Stahley
Dawne and Joe Steinbach
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stelling
Jennifer Sterrett
Brian J. Stevick
Will Stevick
Loy and Sharon Stewart, Jr.
Kyle and Erica Stewart
Kimberly H. Stone
Lynn S. Strain
John and Christina Strickland
Barry and Jacquie Sturmer
John Swink
Cathie Symmes
Chase and Jessi Talbert
Adam Taylor
Cody Teal
Peter and Stephanie Tecklenburg
Michael and Melissa Tecosky
Bud and Becky Thames
Matthew Thomas
Rudy Thomas
Travis Thomas
Denny and Kelly Thompson
Cameron and Shanna Thomson
Jeanene Thorne
Clay Thornton
John and Dana Tiller
Timothy J. Tillman
Scott and Janet Tinkel
Ms. Danielle Trauth-Jurman
Marc and Nancy Tye
Tammy and Ronald Tyner
Lisa Van Bergen and Douglas Murphy
Henk and Robin van der Meyden
Melanie Gersbach Vanderwege
Rebecca Vaughan
Teresa Vaughn
Mr. William Velasco, Jr.
Erik Versen
Jennifer and Kevin Wadford
Christopher and Melissa Wagner
Mason J. Walker
David and Jennifer Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wallace
Mrs. Kristina Walle
Cynthia Walters
Grange and David Walters
Michael and Debbie Waltz
Bing Wang
Marcus Ward
Daphine Warren
Monique Washington
Tameika L. Washington
Ellen Watson
Marty and Lianna Watson
Mr. Todd B. Watts
Greg Webb
Rachel Wehrman
Laura M. Wells
The Werking Family
Joey N. Westbury
Beth Wheeler
Mr. Jeffrey R. Wheeler and Mrs. Kelli P. Wheeler
Kathryn Whitaker
Earline L. White
Rodney White
Christine M. and Peter E. Whitlock
Angela M. Williams
Angie Williams
Mr. David H. Williams, Jr.
Mark Williams
Priscilla A. Williams
Larry and Sarah Windham
Bryan Robinson Wingard
Robert and Roseanne Winn
Mr. Geoffrey Woglom and Mrs. Susan S. Woglom
Dave and Sue Womersley
Bradley E. Wood
Cynthia and John Wood
Melanie Woods
Barry Wren
Nicole Wren
Devon J. Wright
Taneicha Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wurst
Ms. Jennifer Yaun
Margaret Young
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rutledge Young, III
Sue Phillips Young
Jeff and Tina Zeigler
Jon and Natalie Zeigler
Christie and Paul Zoeller
Hella and Dieter zur Loye
62 donors wish to remain anonymous

Leadership donors listed include gifts made 7/1/21 through 6/30/22. We have carefully produced this report. Please forgive any errors or omissions and notify us of the same.

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