Graphic that reads Celebrate 211 Day with the 211 logo


NORTH CHARLESTON, SC – Trident United Celebrates February 11 as 211 Day, to raise awareness for the Helpline. Today we announce a new texting option that puts users in control of finding resources in a free, immediate and confidential way that is available 24/7.

From anywhere in the Tri-County, all a user has to do is text 211211 and just one word will direct them to resources they need. The three keywords are food, home and electric.

The system will automatically respond to ask a zip code. From there, a user will get instant links for assistance. It's that easy!  The 211 Helpline is now available in several formats: Text - 211211

Calls from Tri-County residents to the helpline remained steady: more than 13,000 calls per year or more than 1,000 calls a month on average.  Below are the largest increases 211 had in 2021.

Trident United Way Tri-County 211 Helpline request increases in 2021 vs 2020:

  • Landlord/tenant assistance + 206%
  • Public housing requests + 204%
  • Homeless motel vouchers +148%
  • Mortgage assistance + 37%

Click here for a detailed 211 Helpline report that breaks down Tri-County needs and has customizable data points.





Trident United Way - Celebrating more than 77 years of service, Trident United Way is a catalyst for measurable community transformation in education, financial stability and health. According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, United Way is America’s favorite charity. Learn more at