Audit Committee
Chris Glenn, Roper St. Francis Healthcare, Chair
Timothy A. Grow, Elliott Davis,
Mark E. Lewis, TechCXO
Campaign Cabinet
David Burt, LS3P Associates, LTD., Chair
Dusti Annan, Medical University of South Carolina
Ryan Benton, United Bank
Tamiko Bligen, Ingevity Corporation
David Botzis, FORVIS
Travis Frank, South Carolina Ports Authority
Kernery Gregory, Santee Cooper
Sonia Hanson, SouthState Bank
David Morrow, United Bank
Matt Roberts, College of Charleston
Michael Samuel, SouthState Bank
Community Impact Committee
Courtney Howard, College of Charleston, Chair
Deb Campeau, Community Volunteer
Natasha Chatman, Fetter Health Care Network
Anne Forrest, Seacoast Supply
Christopher Harmon, City of Goose Creek
John Hopkins, S.C. Department of Health &
Environmental Control
Parker Lee, The Bank of South Carolina
Charles Patrick, Jr.
Don Smith, Jr., Rick Hendrick Imports
Finance Committee
Bob Lowe, ExecHQ, Chair
Brad Davis, Community Volunteer
Shawan Gillians, Santee Cooper
Christopher Glenn, Roper St. Francis Healthcare
Stefanie Henry, The InterTech Group, Inc.
Tyson Hoff, Samet Corporation
Mark Lewis, TechCXO
Dawson Smith, JEAR Logistics LLC
Tony Tripeny, Community Volunteer
Bill Zobel, Banks Construction Company
John Winthrop, Community Volunteer
Investment Committee
Dan Gallagher, Stier Supply Company, Chair
Wendy Brewer, Wells Fargo
Kari Davids, Cummins - Turbo Technologies Palmetto
Ben DeWolf, Tower Research Capital
Kathryn Diminich, SouthState Bank Local
Scott Howell, Groundswell Capital
Hugh Lane, Jr., The Bank of South Carolina
David Lobeck, First Citizens Bank
Brenda Szymanowski, AstenJohnson
John Winthrop, Community Volunteer
Marketing Advisory Council
Elizabeth Rogers Prim, Chernoff Newman, Chair
Kelsi Brewer, MUSC Hollings Cancer Center
Wendy Kopp, FineMark National Bank & Trust
Erika LeGendre, College of Charleston
Nina Magnesson, BoomTown
Aiyana Mathews, Gardner-Mathews Global Management
Elaine Reed, AstenJohnson
Nominating Committee
Tim Grow, Elliott Davis, Chair
Deb Campeau, Community Volunteer
Monfia Ellington, Ingevity Corporation
Bob Fei, Life Cycle Engineering
Shawan Gillians, Santee Cooper
Tim Grow, Elliott Davis
Wendy Kopp, FineMark National Bank & Trust
Steve Polston, Community Volunteer
Reeves Skeen, First Citizens Bank
Trident United Way Palmetto Society Advisory Committee
David Morrow, United Bank, Chair
Jessica Buchanan, Community Volunteer
Bailey Cooper, Lowcountry Hurricane Protection & Shutters
Caroline Jacobs, Elliott Davis
Brianna Johnson, Berkeley Electric Cooperative
Wendy Kopp, FineMark National Bank & Trust
Griffin Morrow, Mappus Insurance Agency
Jeff Parker, Capital First Bank
Marcela Rabens, Universal Latin News
Peter Tecklenburg, Charleston County Government
Fran Welch, College of Charleston
We have carefully produced this report. Please forgive any errors or omissions and notify us of the same.