211 is America's most powerful tool for identifying and responding to community needs
211 is a 24/7 resource that connects you to help in times of disaster, personal crisis or daily challenge. It’s free, confidential and available in 180 languages. Every day, 211's community resource specialists help people find local resources such as food, health care and insurance assistance, stable housing and utilities payment assistance, employment services, veteran services, child care, caregiving and family services, crisis and emergency counseling, disaster assistance and more.
You can use 211 in three ways:
1. Dial 2-1-1 on your phone to speak with an agent.
2. Search for services in your community at SC211.org.
3. Text "Help" to 211-211.
What to know when you call 211
- The 211 operator will ask you a few questions to get to know your needs better and understand your eligibility for services. You can expect a calm, compassionate individual who will be responding to your requests.
- The operator will provide you with a list of agencies that may be able to provide assistance. This includes important details such as who to call, when to arrive and what to bring
Help spread the word about 211 - visit our 211 Toolkit!
211 Reports and Community Impact
Reports provided by 211 show how many people are accessing services and which services are in the highest demand in the Tri-County area. This allows Trident United Way to understand emerging and ongoing needs and work with partners on ways to address needs and gaps.